This guide will show you how to create promotions for services and products.
How to activate services and products
How to activate salons and team members
How to add a promotion to a clients appointment
How to create a promotion
To create a promotion go to Menu > Settings > Promotions > Add Promotion
Description - This would ne the name of the promotion Example NHS 20% Promotion (this will also show on the clients receipt)
Book Online - Toggle on if you want the promotion to be used online
Online Code - Enter in a promotion code to be entered when booking online. Example NHS20 Promotion Type - You can choose from any of the following
- Percentage %
- Value £
- Money off whole bill - If there are 2 items on the bill and a £10 promotion, then £5 will be discounted on both lines.
- Fixed Price Promotion - This will fix the bill to be one price. Example if the bill comes to £150 fixed price promotion will change the bill to be £100.
- Package Promotion - See package FAQ Package
- Tracking Promotion - This will not discount the promotion but you can then run a report on how many services have been tagged with a tracking promotion.
- Courses - See Course FAQ Courses
Discount - Enter in the amount to be discounted, example 20%
Points Required - Clients can use their points to redeem on a promotion. Example enter in 200 points required. Once the client gets to 200 points they would then get X off their service.
Applies to - Apply the promotion to all items on the bill or the highest or lowest item. Apply Automatically - Promotions can be applied automatically. This is great to use foe a new client promotion.
New Client Only - When toggled on the promotion will only work for new clients. Start / End Date - Enter in the date of when the promotion starts and ends.
Days Valid - Toggle on the days that the promotion will be valid for
How to activate services and products for your promotion
Within the promotion click on the services or products tab on the left of the promotion.
Toggle to green choosing the services and products that are valid for this promotion.
How to activate team members and salons for multi groups
Within the promotion click on the Salon or Team member tab on the left side of the promotion.
Toggle on all team members and salons that are valid for this promotion.
Toggling to green would mean that they have been selected.
Advanced Setting - If you would like the team member to get the full credit for the promotion. Click the advanced tab and tick to credit full amount. This would then show the full amount of the service on the dashboard.
How to add a promotion to an appointment or at checkout
Once you have created your appointment in SalonIQ you can then attached the promotion to that appointment.
Click on the appointment then click promotions.
This will then load your promotion screen, choose the promotion to apply and press save.
You will then be able to see this promotion on the clients appointment and this shows as a love heart. The promotion will then auto apply on the checkout screen.
Clients can also enter the promotion code at checkout when booking online
If you need any further help with promotions, please email or call us on 01892 280 123.