Weekly Cash Summary

The weekly cash summary is a vital report that helps Salons track their revenue & cash flow over a specific week

To access the report go to the Main Menu > Reports > Till > Weekly Cash Summary


The report is set to run weekly, the default is that the week ends on a Saturday. When running the report the calendar in the top right corner has the week-ending date.


If you need to change the end date go to Menu > Settings > Global Settings > Details and change the period start date to a Monday. 


After changing this the report will end on a Sunday.

If you use 4 weekly period ranges on your dashboard then we would not recommend changing this


What is included in this report

There are 3 sections to this report, the 1st section looks at the team members' figures

Each team member has 2 monetary figures per day, the 1st figure shows service sales and the 2nd retail sales, both figures are totaled for the week and displayed


The 2nd section of the report totals the service and retail figures, adds gift cards sold, deposits, and removes any petty cash expenses, this is shown daily with a total figure for the week


These figures are gathered from the end-of-day report, if you do not cash up or cash up late (the next day) the figures will not show on the correct date on this report.

The final section of the report shows the banking for the week, cash (excluding petty cash), Cards, deposits used & stripe payments


If you need any further help or support on Weekly Cash Summary, please contact on  01892 280 123 or email help@saloniq.com