How to use the Utilisation Dashboard
Menu > Intelligent Marketing > Utilisation
At the top we can choose the week we wish to analyse. Whether we want to display all team members or jump straight to a specific team members utilisation. The icon allows you to change the metric displayed. Number of clients, value of bookings and % of bookings per type.
We can see how many clients we have in the database and how many have visited more than twice.
The value of the services in the last week and how many clients visited.
Value of the internet bookings in the last week and the number of internet bookings.
The value of the unbooked slots for the week you choose and the percentage of the teams columns unbooked.
The value is calculated from the values entered in:
Menu > Settings > Salons > Smart Marketing
You need to state the number of clients a team member does an hour then the default income per hour.
The amount of money generated from the Guest Retention System this week and the number of clients recovered from it.
The amount of generated by GAS (Guest Attraction System) transactions and the number of new clients welcomed to the salon this week.
The amount generated from Email and SMS blasts this week and the number of clients they attracted.
The block chart in the middle of the screen shows us this week, a breakdown of how the clients came to visit the salon. For example, were they generated from an internet booking, a guest retention message etc... we initially see these stats at percentages but if we click we can change to the value of each section or the number of each per day.
If you then click onto one of the blocks representing a day. This expands that day to show you how each team member contributed to those figures on the chosen day,
Then clicking one of the blocks representing how a team member was utilised for that week shows you their clients and how they were generated.
Utilisation is calculated based solely on the hours a team member has available for clients. For example, if Cara is scheduled to work 4 hours today but has a 1-hour lunch break, only the remaining 3 hours are considered available for utilisation.
Highlighted in red are the available hours for the team member.
If a team member has a full-day holiday recorded in the schedule, they have no client hours available for that day, resulting in a utilisation rate of 0.
Team Member Jade has a full days holiday, this means there are no client hours for the day. Her utilisation for the day will show as 0.
If you need any further help with the utilisation Dashboard please call 01982 280 123 or email