Scheduling a service price increase.

This article will show you how to schedule a price increase for the future.

If you are wanting to schedule a price increase for the future, you can do this by going to your service set up. 

Entering future price 

Updating Future Price 


Menu > Settings > Services 

Default Price - Enter in the default price for the future. The default price is used when all your team members charge the same for the service.

If your team members all have different pricing for their services, click on the team member tab on the left. This will then give you a list of all your team member pricing, click on edit and enter in the future price for that service.

You can also update future pricing in your team member set up. Menu > Settings > Team Members > services.

Once you've inputted your future pricing, all you need to do is wait until the day you want to update your pricing and click a button!

Single Salon 

If you are a single salon or only want to update one salons pricing, go to Menu > Settings > Salons > Appointments

Select "Update future price for salon." This action will only affect the salon you've chosen, so ensure you're on the correct salon before confirming.


Multiple Salons 

If you have multiple salons, you can update the future pricing for all of them simultaneously.

Menu > Settings > Global Settings > Bookings > Update ALL salons future price 

Please ensure that you are ready to update your future pricing. Once this is done, it cannot be undone.

Once your pricing has been updated it will update all your pricing including the appointments that are already booked in the diary.

If you require any further help with future price increase, please contact us at or call us on 01892280123.