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How to Setup a Direct Debit to SalonIQ or send a payment

A brief guide on how you can set up you monthly payments to SalonIQ on Direct Debit or other methods.

There are a number of ways in which you can make payments to SalonIQ

1.  Direct Debit

To instruct a Direct Debit to your account please click the following link below. Please leave the Amount field empty. This will be completed by our Accounts team 

Direct Debit Setup

2. PayPal

To Set up PayPal recurring payment, click the below link (this is usually used for Overseas transactions or EURO payments):

PayPal Recurring Payment Setup

3. You can send a Direct Transfer to the following details. Please ensure that you reference your payment with your account code:


Sort Code - 40-18-39

Account No - 7130 1144

Account - Intelligent Salon Software Ltd

Ref -  Your Account Code eg SIQ001

For any questions regarding payments to SalonIQ please call 01892 280123 opt. 4 or email accounts@saloniq.com