How to create and send a SMS Blast to your clients

In this help guide, you will learn how to create and send a bespoke SMS blast to your clients.

Creating client Search

Searching for clients 

Creating SMS blast

Checking SMS Results


Creating The Client Search


Main Menu > Intelligent Marketing > Client Selection

If this is your first Client Selection the screen will be blank apart from a green "Add Selection button at the top right corner.

If you have created previous searches, the list of the searches will be displayed.

You will now need to click the Green "ADD SELECTION" tab


This will then load a selection of searches already created and ready to use.


The available options are:

  • Clients who do not use online bookings
  • Clients who first visited last week
  • Clients who have only visited once in the last year and have no future bookings
  • Clients who last visited 6 weeks ago today and have no future bookings
  • Clients who have used a promotion in the last 3 months and have no future bookings
  • Top spenders in the last 12 Months
  • Lapsed clients. Clients without future bookings, who haven't visited in the last 3 months
  • Clients who have bought retail in the last 6 months

You can select any of the above options, however the top option allows you to create a search from scratch without any search criteria already selected.

This option is called " BLANK TEMPLATE"


Searching For Clients

The below is the next phase in creating your SMS Blast:


The 3 highlighted boxes will need to be completed.

  • Description: The description does not appear on the SMS blast, instead keep it as a reminder as to the search you were creating
  • Type: The pull down box has two options, dependent on what you choose will select if you are creating a SMS blast or a Email Blast
  • Active Clients: The pull down box has three options, All Clients, Active Clients Only or Archived Clients.

On the far right side are a series of green selection tabs for you to create your custom search criteria.


To use any of these options, simply click on the required tab.

Each tab once selected will appear in the middle of the screen, you can click on the selection to add additional options. 

Below is an example of "Has Future Bookings"


You can selected a time frame for the clients "Future Booking" or even selected the service the client is booked in for.


Creating the SMS Blast


In this example, we are simply sending a SMS to all Live Clients who have visited the business within the last 12 Months:

last visit

To get the client count ( the number of clients you will SMS Blast ) simply click "SAVE & GET CLIENT COUNT"


View clients will show you the full list of clients from the search results.


Take a moment to review the clients, you can use the small black bin icon on the right hand side to remove the client from receiving the SMS 


Sending The SMS Blast

To continue to create and send the SMS Blast, click SMS Blast at the top right corner.

The below image is where you create the SMS, review it and to send it.


Below is an example of the SMS blast we have created:


  • The large field is the area to write your SMS - try to keep it short and on point.
  • Character Count: This shows an estimate of how long the SMS is, a standard SMS is 160 characters. Each additional 160 characters is 7p. This also provides an estimate to how much the SMS Blast will cost.
  • Test SMS: Before sending to all clients, send yourself a Test to double check the SMS

You can add "Merge Fields" to your SMS, this will add the selected option into your SMS, in the above example, I chose Client First Name, Book Now Link and Salon Name. To add yours, simply "right click your mouse where you want to add the information and select for the available list.

Once you are ready to send the SMS Blast, select the "Send" button at the top right corner.

You may experience a short delay and a spinning loading wheel, this is normal and will only last a few moments whilst the system sends the SMS Blast.


Schedule your SMS Blast

You can now schedule the SMS blast to deliver your texts at optimal times.

Create your Client Selection using the steps above, when the system has selected your clients select "View Clients"


To schedule the SMS blast select Create Schedule



Enter the following

  • Schedule Name - This will help you identify the SMS blast
  • Schedule Date - The date you would like the SMS blast to be sent
  • Schedule Time - The Time you would like the SMS blast to be sent
  • SMS Message - The SMS message you are sending to the selected clients

Click on Create Schedule

The SMS message has now been created and scheduled. to review all scheduled SMS blasts go to the Main Menu > Intelligent Marketing > Client Selection Schedule

This shows all scheduled SMS Blast's. You can also show any completed scheduled SMS messages and review SMS sent on previous SMS blasts.


To change any upcoming Scheduled SMS simply click on the name of the scheduled message

You can change the following

  • Scheduled Date
  • Scheduled Time
  • The Schedule Name
  • SMS Message

You cannot change the scheduled message on the day the message is due to be sent, the message or the scheduled date or time needs to be changed at least one day before the scheduled SMS blast is due to be sent out.


How to check SMS Results

Menu > Intelligent Marketing > Campaign 

Select the date range of the campaign.

You can see how many SMS have been sent, the cost of the SMS and the returned clients along with the value of their appointment. 


The cost of the SMS Blast will be added to your monthly Direct Debit

For any questions regarding this marketing email please reach out to us or call 01892 280123 opt. 1 we will be happy to help.