E-commerce / Online Shop - Recommending Products To Clients

This article will help you boost your retail sales and show you how to add homecare to a clients record card

Recommending Products To Clients

You can add recommended products to your clients profile card, this will save the product to their card so you can view again at any time in the future. 

To do this open up a clients record card (you can either do this from their appointment or client list) > scroll to the bottom > click Recommended products 

Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 20.14.50

Click on Add Recommendation > Select Team Member > Select Product 

If you select a Team Member - This will mean they will get the credit if these products are purchased for the first 12 months 

Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 20.17.07

You will now see a green Thumbs up on the clients appointment and on the checkout screen


At the checkout green you can then click on this thumb and press add recommendation - the products would the be added to to till screen.

For any questions regarding homecare recommendations please email help@saloniq.com or call 01892 280123 opt. 1