Client record on Account / In Salon Deposits

This article looks at how you can put money on account for a client that they can pay back in the future as well as how to add an In-Salon deposit requirement on individual clients.

Adding money on Account

If a client is unable to pay for their service and you are willing to let them come back into the Salon and pay in the future you can put money On Account for an individual client.

To do this click on the Client Search icon and search for the client you wish to put money On Account for. You can alternately click on the Edit Client icon from the client's appointment.

Click Accounts from the options on the left-side menu, select On account enabled to activate and then enter the Credit Limit (the maximum amount you will allow them to pay back).

When the client now goes to pay for their service this will show the additional Payment Type of On Account. You can then use this method to pay for the service.

After you have put money On Account for a client this will show for them as a negative deposit shown in red. When paying off the debt add a deposit onto the Till Screen and the way this is being paid as the Payment Type and this will clear the client's debt.

Requiring an In-Salon Deposit to Book an Appointment

If a client regularly no show's, you can set on their account that they need to pay for their appointment up front in full to be able to book future appointments.

To do this go into the client's card and then in the Accounts section enable the Deposit required for booking in salon. This will then ask the client when booking to pay a deposit equivalent to the Full Service amount to allow their appointment to be booked in.

You will be notified of this requirement through a pop up window, advising you of a deposit needing to be paid. 

If you select Yes, you will be taken to the checkout screen, to take payment and then complete the appointment.

If you select No, you will not be able to continue with the appointment.

You can also require a client to pay the full amount when Booking Online by enabling Deposit required for booking online in the Accounts section of the client's profile.

If you have any questions regarding submitting money onto a clients account please email or call 01892 280123 opt.1